Mechanical installations – Maverick Systems provides mechanical construction and installation solutions for pneumatic conveying systems for the handling of dry bulk material, whether it be pellet, granule, powder or flakes. Maverick has experience with systems of all sizes, from single resin conveyor systems to large multi-station material handling system installations, plant re-locations, mezzanine & film tower fabrication, installation and laser alignment of equipment, custom machine base foundations ,Silo pads and silo installation.
We specialize in professional millright alignment and installation of process systems and machinery. Plastics Installation Services Include:
- Blown film towers
- Resin silos (welded steel or bolted)
- Material handling systems
- Complete extrusion systems
- Complete plant relocations
- Tubing, hardware, auxiliary equipment
- Pads & Foundations
- Mezzanines
Read More : Mavericksystemscorp.com
- Resin storage bins (steel or aluminum)
- Blown film towers
- Mezzanines
- Cast film lines
- Sheeting lines
- Extruder Barrel
- IM Platen Alignment
- Die to Nip Roll
- Primary Nip Roll to Winder Parallelism
- Motor Coupling